Saturday, June 1, 2019

Simple Present Tense (singular/plural verbs)

Lesson 5 : Simple Present (singular/plural verbs)

Salam dan selamat pagi. Hari ini kita bincangkn  ttg Singular Verbs dan Plural Verbs dlm Simple Present tense sahaja. Utk makluman, Singular Verbs utk Simple Present Tense lazimnya diakhiri dgn '-s' atau '-es' manakala utk Plural Verbs, perkataan itu jelas sama & tidak berubah.

Contoh Singular Verbs:
1. He eats the rice ( eat+s)
2. She reads the book (read+s)
3. It flies away (fly+es) ===flies

*bagi verb yg berakhir dgn 'y', tukarkan 'y' kpd 'i' dan tambahkan 'es'. Contoh lain:

1. Mak Limah fries the chicken (fry +es) == fries
* bagi yg berakhir dgn 's', 'z', 'ch' atau 'x', boleh tambahkan 'es'. Contohnya:

1. She misses the bus (miss+es) =misses
2. The bee buzzes loudly (buzz+es) = buzzes
3. Ali catches the ball (catch+es) = catches
4. Mr Harry fixes the lamp (fix+es) = fixes

Contoh Plural Verbs:
1. I write the letter  (write)
2. We grill the beef (grill)
3. Chong and Mail cycle to school (cycle)
Mudah sahaja, kan? Kalau dah mahir, insyaallah takda masalah dah nak buat ayat yg betul.

Fill in the blanks with the correct verbs.

1. Janet ________ (read) journals everyday.
2. The chef _________ (crack) the eggs and ________ (mix) the flour into the bowl.
3. The thieves _______ (run) away from the policemen.
5. The sun  _________ (shine) brightly. So, we ______  (plan) to go for a picnic.
6. Shiela wakes up late that she ________(miss) her Maths class.

Simple Present Tense (verb-to-be)

Lesson 4: Simple Present Tense (verb-to-be)

Salam dan selamat pagi. Anda semua masih ingat lagi dulu saya ada berbicara ttg Verbs.
Hari ini sy nk sentuh ttg verb-to-be yg melibatkan Simple Present Tense shj. Ada anak murid yg  cakap, alamak senang sgt present tense ni. Ni mmg topik mudah, tp masih ramai yg bermasalah.
Sebenarnya, kita masih dlm cabang topik Verb. Boleh rujuk pd post sy yg lepas.  Jadi, anda smua kenalah cekap dlm penggunaan singular & plural dahulu, barulah boleh kita buat ayat yg betul.

Singular - He, She, It
Plural - I, You, We, They

Dlm Present Tense, verb-to-be utk Singular/plural noun adalah seperti berikut:

A. He, She, It =========is
1. He is handsome.
2. Dato Vida is gorgeous.

B. I ====== am
1. I am hungry.

C. You, We, They ==== are
1. We are brothers.
2. Alia and Asmah are classmates.

Mudah kan? Anda semua kena lulus benda ni dahulu baru kita boleh teruskan dgn yg lain. Sekiranya ada peluang, insyaallah kita teruskan pula dgn Singular/Plural Verbs. 

Fill in the blanks with the correct verb-to-be.

1. My family _________ in Italy.
2. Wait, the cookies ________ still hot!
3. I _____ so anxious with today's speech.
4. The children _______ kind to my aunty.
5. Never underestimate her ability. She ____ a genius.
6. "You _______ like a brother to me," says John to Eddie.

English Verbs

Lesson 3: Verbs

Hari ini sy ingin sentuh sedikit berkenaan Verbs atau dlm BM dipanggil kata kerja. Walaupun nampak simple, inilah juga topik yg paling banyak buat anak murid saya garu kepala.

Kita semua sudah sedia maklum, utk menulis ayat yg betul, ayat tersebut WAJIB ada Verbs/kata kerja.
Lihat contoh berikut:

1. Andrian at school (x) 
2. Andrian is at school (/)
1. They in Kuala Lumpur (x)
2. They are in Kuala Lumpur (/)
1. My brothers the stairs. (x)
2. My brothers climb the stairs (/).
1. John the motorcycle (x)
2. John rides the motorcycle (/)

*AYAT no.1 walaupun boleh difahami, tatabahasanya silap kerana tiada Verbs.
Dlm English, ada dua jenis verbs: Action Verb & Non-action Verbs.

1. Action Verbs: melibatkan action/pergerakan.
Contoh: walk, run, eat, sleep, climb, ride

2. Non-action Verbs: melibatkan sesuatu yg dpt dilihat/dihidu,/ emosi dirasai ketika itu.
Contoh: is, are, seem, appear, love, prefer
Walaubagaimanapun, kita perlu tahu ciri2 lain bagi verbs. Secara ringkasnya, verbs boleh melibatkan:

1. Singular : walks, talks
2. Plural : walk,  talk
3. Time (tense) : now, everyday, tomorrow
4. Regular: walk/walked, talk/talked
5. Irregular: take/took/taken, swim/swam/swum
6. Positive: does/do
7. Negative: does not/do not
8. Subject-verb agreement:
a) She walks to school.
b) They walk to school.

Saya tak ulas penggunaan ciri di atas satu persatu dgn lanjut krn nak anda study sendiri dahulu. Boleh google internet, buka buku english lama2 ke.. atau apa2 yg sewaktu dgnnya. Sekiranya anda semua dah expert dgn penggunaan kelapan2 ciri ini, insyaallah dah xda masalah nk buat ayat menggunakan Verbs.
Kalau ada kemusykilan, boleh tnya saya.

Correct the following sentences.
Mr Lee is seeming like a nice guy (x)
Mr Lee seems like a nice guy (/)

1. The cake is tasting delicious.
2.  I am liking the Asian noodles.
3. Rina at the shopping mall.
4. Hans and Sara sleepy.
5. The boys plays at the field.
6. Kathy bake the chocolate cookies.

English Adjective (Lesson 2)

Lesson 2: Adjective: Ulangkaji

Hari ini, saya masih nak membincangkan tentang adjective kerana ramai pelajar saya masih keliru ttg penggunaan adjective yg melibatkan pengakhiran '-ing' dan '-ed'.
Mengapa keliru? Mgkn bahasa ibunda masing2 mempunyai tatabahasa/grammar berbeza dgn English. Sepanjang sy berkhidmat di UiTM dan kemudiannya UIA, sy lihat kesalahan yg dilakukan oleh pelajar dlm English adjective yg berakhir dgn '-ing' dan '-ed' ini adalah sama tidak kira mereka ini pelajar Melayu atau penuntut dari negara2 Arab, Pakistan, Korea, Thailand, Indonesia dan sbgainya. Percayalah, tidak ada bahasa yg semuanya sama di dunia.
Bagi kita orang Melayu, apa2 sahaja yg yg berakhir dgn '-ed' dianggap Past Tense. Itulah kesalahan terbesar sekali kerana anda lupa ttg wujudnya Adjective yg berakhir dgn '-ed'.

Contoh A:
Adjective berikut berakhir dgn '-ed':
1. Interested 
2. Annoyed
3. Amazed
4. Boiled
5. Excited
6. Bored

Contoh B:
Adjective berikut berakhir dgn '-ing':
1. Interesting
2. Annoying
3. Amazing
4. Boiling
5. Exciting
6. Boring

*Nombor 6 paling popular sekali. Pelajar memang suka sebut "I am boring" 😂
Contoh ayat yg menggunakan adjective yg berakhir dgn '-ed' dan '-ing':

A)Base form: interest ====~ interested/interesting
1. My brother is interested in learning French.
2. French is an interesting subject.

*''interested' maksudnya, berminat. Dlm ayat ini, ia digunakan utk menerangkan emosi/perasaan terhadap sesuatu perkara
*'interesting' maksudnya,menarik. Dlm ayat ini,ia digunakan utk menerangkan sifat/ciri perkara tersebut yg menyebabkan perasaan 'interested' itu timbul

B) Base form: annoy =====~ annoyed/annoying
1. Ali was annoyed with his sister for turning up late.
2. Ali's sister was so annoying.

*'annoyed' - sakit hati
*'annoying' - menyakitkan hati

C: Base form: bore --------bored/boring
1. Vince was so bored that he fell asleep in the lecture hall.
2. The subject was boring that he fell asleep.
3. We disliked the class because the lecturer was boring.

*'bored' - bosan
*'boring' - membosankan

Jadi, ayat yg betul utk melahirkan rasa bosan adalah:
I am bored (/)
I am boring (x).

Namun, ayat 'I am boring' adalah relevan sekiranya anda ingin memberitahu org ramai yg anda seorang yg membosankan.
Berikut adalah beberapa lagi contoh ayat. Perhatikan penggunaan adjective (-ed) dan (-ing) dalam ayat ini:

1. Niagra Fall is an amazing place.
2. I am so amazed with his painting.
3. Sara is so excited to visit her parents this weekend.
4. The new theme park is so exciting!
5. Be careful. That's boiling water!
6. The boy ate boiled eggs for dinner.

Sekarang, anda boleh cuba latihan berikut. Boleh pilih nak guna perkataan yg mana dan buat ayat sendiri. Saya taknak anda ikut ayat saya, ayat kawan atau tiru ayat dlm internet. Sekian.... Semoga berjaya!

Choose one adjective (-ing) and (-ed).Make your own sentence.

1. Interesting
2. Annoying
3. Amazing
4. Boiling
5. Exciting
6. Boring
7. Baking
8. Suprising
9. Satisfying

1. Interested 
2. Annoyed
3. Amazed
4. Boiled
5. Excited
6. Bored
7. Baked
8. Surprised
9. Satisfied

English Adjective (Lesson 1)

Lesson 1: Adjective

Hari ini,saya akan membincangkan ttg 'Adjective' in English atau dlm Bahasa Melayu pula dipanggil 'Kata Sifat'. 'Adjective' atau kata sifat ini digunakan dlm ayat utk menerangkan 'Noun' (kata nama).
Dlm kehidupan seharian, contoh 'adjective' yg digunakan dlm ayat selalunya melibatkan 'opinion'/pendapat seperti:

1. The baby is adorable.
2. The beautiful woman is my aunty.

Dalam kedua ayat di atas, 'adorable' dan 'beautiful' adalah kata sifat (adjective).
Walaubagaimanapun, ramai di kalangan kita yg tahu 'adjective' tetapi masih samar2 dlm penggunaannya apabila ianya melibatkan lebih drpd satu sifat.

1. It is a long, narrow, plastic brush.
2.  She is a beautiful, tall, brown-haired woman.

Dalam kedua ayat di atas, 'long, narrow, plastic' dan 'beautiful, tall, brown-haired' adalah kata sifat. Namun, bagaimana utk kita pastikan kata sifat tersebut ditulis dan disusun dgn baik?

Dlm Bahasa Inggeris, 'adjective' ditulis mengikut susunan berikut:
1. opinion ------ lovely, beautiful
2. size      ------ short, long, big, small
3. physical quality -----  thin, rough, dirty
4. shape   ----- round, square, rectangular
5. age   --- old, young,new
6. colour - black, green
7. origin ---- Malaysian, Japanese
8. material ---  plastic,wooden, gold
9. purpose ------  sleeping, cooking

Contoh A:
1. He bought an Italian,blue, amazing,silk tie (x)
2. He bought an amazing, blue, Italian, silk tie (/)
Ini adalah kerana:
* amazing----- opinion (1)
* blue ------  colour (6)
*Italian ------ nationality (7)
*silk   ----- material (8)
manakala  'tie' adalah noun/kata nama yg menerima sifat.

Contoh B:
1. That is really a wooden ugly chair (x)
2. That is really an ugly wooden chair (/)
Ini adalah kerana:
* ugly ----- opinion (1)
*wooden ------ material (8)
manakala  'chair' adalah noun/kata nama yg menerima sifat.
Sekarang, anda boleh cuba latihan di bawah dgn menyusun adjective mengikut urutan.  Boleh tanya saya sekiranya masih musyhkil. Semoga berjaya!

1. We all love our ________________( British/petite/ smart) teacher."
2. They all received several _____________  (gold/ancient/small/dazzling) coins.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Argumentative Essay (BEL260)

Outlining an argumentative essay:

Salam and hi all!
We almost finish the current semester and nw it is the moment to get ready with the final exam. In the final exam, you are required to answer Part A: Reading Comprehension (20%) and Part B: Argumentative essay (20%). There are a few important things to be highlighted in the essay writing. Pls make sure you know how to write:

1) Introduction
-->brief info about your essay + Thesis statement (your stand whether you agree/disagree with the topic given)

2) Content
-->Topic sentence 1 + Supporting details
-->Topic sentence 2 + Supporting details
-->Topic sentence 3 + Supporting details

3) Conclusion

Here are a few examples of topics that can be discussed in class in order for us to brainstorm ideas for an argumentative essay.

1) Public examination should be abolished in Malaysia
2) Men should learn cooking from an early age
3) Valentine Day brings negative effects to teenagers
4) Horror movies harm children's minds
5) Women should stay at home and raise children
6) Domestic violence comes from a broken family
7) Mix-marriage could cultivate race-integrity

Till then, see you next time. Ciao!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Story of a Teacher Who Lowered His Height

Education starts with seeing things from a child's eye level. This is a Story of a Teacher who Lowered his Height..

A gentleman was approaching the art at the Smithmonium Museum in Washington DC. As he approached a painting, he would kneel down and look up at it. People ask him why he was looking at the painting with his knees. He replied, "I am an elementary school teacher and will bring my students here tomorrow. And i was just wondered how they would enjoy the paintings from down here. I am trying to appreciate these paintings at the children's eye level."

- Adapted from E-Nopi Education.